
Brooks Hi Fi reviews Linearity

The extent to which any signal handling process is accomplished without amplitude distortion. Ground Loop A double grounding of a line or electronic device at two different "ground" points of differing voltage. Brooks RM 909 reviews Feedback 1) The delayed signal sent back to the input of a delay line, used in repeat-echo effects. 2) The pickup of the signal out of a channel by its input or the howling sound that this produces. 3) In an amplifier, the phase reversed output signal sent back to its input, reducing gain but also distortion and noise. 4) This occurs when the sound coming out of the speakers goes back into the microphones, then back out the speakers, then back into the mics…and so on. This can build very quickly to a point where everyone in the room is holding their ears and screaming at you. It can also cause damage to the PA. Crossover (Crossover Network) A set of filters that "split" the audio signal into two or more bands (t

Brooks RM 909 Face

The front or body of the guitar. Absorption Short for the term Acoustical Absorption (quality of a surface or substance to take in, not reflect, a sound wave). Brooks Hi Fi reviews Bass 1) The lower range of audio frequencies up to approximately 250 Hz. 2) Short for Bass Guitar. 3) Lower end of the musical scale. In acoustics, the range (below about 200 Hz) in which there are difficulties, principally in the reproduction of sound, due to the large wavelengths involved. 4) The lower frequencies. 5) On the soundboard this should refer to the bass guitar channel, not the bass drum. 6) The lowest frequencies of sound. Bi-Amplification uses an electronic crossover or line-level amplifiers for the high and low frequency loudspeaker drivers. Electromagnetic Field Magnetic energy put out because of current travelling through a conductor. Brooks HI FI projectors Hybrid A product created by the marriage of two different technologies. Meant here as the combinat

Brooks HI FI projectors Electrons

Negatively charged particles, which revolve around the centre of atoms. The movement of such electrons down a conductor causes electrical current. Edit A switch that does different things depending on the operational mode that the machine is in: 1) If a computer-controlled transport is in "Stop," pushing the "Edit" switch deactivates the computer-controlled tension system and allows the reels to be moved by hand to find the exact spot desired on the tape. 2) If the machine is in "Play", the "Edit" switch makes the take-up reel cease taking up the tape and it falls to the floor. 3) If the machine is in a fast-wind mode, the tape lifters are defeated so the tape is in contact with the reproduce head and the engineer can hear where the selections begin and end. Brooks Hi Fi speakers Acoustic/Acoustical Having to do with sound that can be heard by the ears. AcousticsThe behaviour of sound and its study. The acoustics of a room d

Brooks RM 909 Guitar Processor

A unit that will add effects to a direct guitar signal, including a simulated instrument amplifier sound and (often) delay and reverb effects. Clock Signal The signal put out by a circuit that generates steady even pulses or steady codes used for synchronization. Brooks Hi Fi reviews Alternating Current Electric current which flows back and forth in a circuit. Instrument Amplifier A device that has a power amplifier and speaker in a case (or in separate cases) to reproduce the signal put out by an electric instrument (such as an electric guitar) and to allow the instrument to be heard. Brooks RM 909 reviews Expansion The opposite of compression; for example, an expander may allow the signal to increase 2 dB every time the signal input increased by 1 dB. Echo Return An input of the console, which brings back the echo (reverberation) signal from the echo chamber or other echo effects device. Cancellation A shortening of the term Phase Cancellation (t

Brooks Hi Fi speakers Buss (Bus)

A wire carrying signals to some place, usually fed from several sources. Kick (Kick Drum) Another term for Bass Drum. Brooks Hi Fi reviews Imaging To make a representation or imitation of the original sonic event. Key The control of a dynamics processing device by an external audio signal. Brooks RM 909 Input Overload Sending too high of a signal level into a device so that the first amplifier of the device overloads. Coincident Microphones (Coincident Pair) Two microphones whose heads are placed as lose as possible to each other so that the path length from any sound source to either microphone is for all practical purposes, the same. Channels These are divided into two separate categories. Input channels are those channels coming into the soundboard such as microphones and direct lines. Output channels are those leaving the board such as monitor and main outputs. LED A light that allows current to flow in one direction only and emits light

Brooks RM 909 reviews Analog Recording

A recording of the continuous changes of an audio waveform. Attenuation A making smaller: reduction of electrical or acoustic signal strength. Brooks Hi Fi speakers Isolation Booth/ Isolation Room A room that prevents loud sounds from other instruments from leaking in: an isolation booth is usually a smaller room that could be used for only one musician. Chase The automatic adjusting of the speed of a recorder (or sequencer) to be time with another recorder. Brooks RM 909 Electric Current A more formal term meaning the same as the term Current (the amount of electron charge passing a point in a conductor per unit of time). Hi-Z An abbreviation of the term High Impedance (Impedance of 5000 or more ohms). Kick (Kick Drum) Another term for Bass Drum. Blending 1) A condition where two signals mix together to form one sound or to give the sound of one sound source or one performance. 2) Mixing the left and right signal together slightly which ma

Brooks RM 909 Far Field

The area from 3 feet away from the sound source up to the critical distance. Group Master A slide control used to send out a control voltage to several VCA faders in individual channels, thus controlling the gain of several channels. Brooks Hi Fi reviews Line Level 1) An amplified signal level put out by an amplifier and used as the normal level that runs through the interconnecting cables in a control room. 2) A low level signal such as the signal in a guitar cord. Most parts of a PA require a line level signal. Remember, however, that speaker outputs are not line level. Plugging speaker outs into line ins will result in damage to the equipment Compression Driver The unit that feeds a sound pressure wave into the throat of a horn (in a horn loudspeaker). Brooks Hi Fi speakers Axis A line around which a device operates. Example: In a microphone, this would be an imaginary line coming out from the front of the microphone in the direction of motion of the diap