
Brooks RM 909 Link

(Said of compressors and dynamic processing units.) To combine the control input signals of two channels of a compressor (o Compact Disc CD A small optical disk with digital audio recorded on it. Brooks Hi Fi speakers Lift 1) To boost gain of audio at a particular band of frequencies with an equalizer. 2) An elevation device in the star trek series of TV programs. Frequency The number of cycles of a waveform occurring in a second. Brooks Hi Fi reviews Initialize To prepare a digital storage medium (like a floppy disk) so that it will accept and store digital information bits. Final Mix The two track stereo master tape which was mixed from the multitrack master. Electret Mic A condenser microphone where the capacitor plates are given a charge during manufacture which they retain, therefore requiring no external power supply. Ambience The portion of the sound that comes from the surrounding environment rather than directly from the sound sour...

Brooks HI FI projectors Linear

The condition of obtaining a change at the output of the device which is proportional to the change occurring at the input. Hall A large building designed for concerts; also called a concert hall. Brooks Hi Fi reviews Generating Element The portion of the microphone that actually converts the movement of the diaphragm into electrical current or voltage changes. Basic Session The First session in recording an audio production to record the Basic Tracks. Brooks RM 909 reviews Automatic Gain Control (Automatic Volume Control) A compressor with a very long release time used to keep the volume of the audio very constant. FOH (Front of House) Refers to the speakers that face toward the audience. Also called the "main" speakers. Automation In consoles, a feature that lets the engineer program control changes (such as fader level) so that upon playback of the multitrack recording these changes happen automatically. Floor Toms The large toms...

Brooks Hi Fi speakers Horn

1) The part of the speaker that emits midrange and higher range frequencies. 2) A speaker or speaker enclosure where sound waves are put into a narrow opening (by a speaker cone or driver) and the narrow opening flairs out to a larger opening. Board 1) Another, less formal, term for Console. 2) A set of controls and their housing which control all signals necessary for recording and for mixing. 3) A slang shortening of the term Keyboard Instrument. Brooks Hi Fi reviews Linear The condition of obtaining a change at the output of the device which is proportional to the change occurring at the input. Filter 1) A device that removes signals with frequencies above or below a certain point called the cut-off frequency. 2) An equalizer section, used in this sense because filters are used with other components to give an equalizer its frequency response characteristics. 3) The action of removing signals of some frequencies and leaving the rest. 4) A mechanical d...

Brooks Hi Fi reviews Flange

An effect caused by an approximately even mix of a modulated (varying) short delay with the direct signal. Bass Roll Off An electrical network built into some microphones to reduce the amount of output at bass frequencies when close-micing. Brooks RM 909 Electrostatic Charge The excess or deficiency of electrons in a given area. Diffraction The breaking up of a sound wave caused by some type of mechanical interference such as a cabinet edge, grill frame, or other similar object. Brooks HI FI projectors Fidelity The recording or reproduction quality. Boost To increase gain, especially to increase gain at specific frequencies with an equalizer. Condenser Mic (Capacitor Mic) A microphone that uses the varying capacitance between two plates with a voltage applied across them to convert sound to electrical pulses. Condenser microphones need a power supply to provide the voltage across the plates, which may be provided by a battery within the case of the...

Brooks RM 909 Auxiliary Output or Send

An additional output from a sound desk that can be used for foldback or monitoring without tying up the main outputs. Each input channel will have a path to the Aux buss. Also used for feeding a signal to an effects processor. See Auxiliary Return. Ground Lift A switch that breaks the connection between the ground point in one circuit and the ground point in another circuit. Brooks Hi Fi speakers Limiter A device which reduces gain when the input voltage exceeds a certain level. Clock Signal The signal put out by a circuit that generates steady even pulses or steady codes used for synchronization. Brooks RM 909 reviews Frequency The number of cycles of a waveform occurring in a second. Hall A large building designed for concerts; also called a concert hall. Ground Loop A double grounding of a line or electronic device at two different "ground" points of differing voltage. Echo Return An input of the console, which brings back the ec...

Brooks RM 909 Hearing Limitation

An inability of the ear to hear important characteristics of sound under certain conditions. Characteristics that can be affected include pitch, level, clarity, presence and direction. Beats Per Minute BPM The number of steady even pulses in music occurring in one minute and there fore defining the tempo of the song. Brooks Hi Fi speakers Efficiency The acoustic power delivered for a given electrical input. Often expressed as decibels/watt/meter (dB/w/m). ESL �" Abbreviation for electrostatic loudspeaker. Graphic Equalizer An device with several slides controlling the gain of audio signal present which is within one of several evenly spaced frequency bands (spaced according to octaves). Brooks HI FI projectors IC Abbreviation of Integrated Circuit (A miniature circuit of many components that is in small, sealed housing with prongs to connect it into equipment). Jack Bay A series of jacks which have connections for most of the inputs and outputs of t...

Brooks Hi Fi reviews Linearity

The extent to which any signal handling process is accomplished without amplitude distortion. Ground Loop A double grounding of a line or electronic device at two different "ground" points of differing voltage. Brooks RM 909 reviews Feedback 1) The delayed signal sent back to the input of a delay line, used in repeat-echo effects. 2) The pickup of the signal out of a channel by its input or the howling sound that this produces. 3) In an amplifier, the phase reversed output signal sent back to its input, reducing gain but also distortion and noise. 4) This occurs when the sound coming out of the speakers goes back into the microphones, then back out the speakers, then back into the mics…and so on. This can build very quickly to a point where everyone in the room is holding their ears and screaming at you. It can also cause damage to the PA. Crossover (Crossover Network) A set of filters that "split" the audio signal into two or more bands (t...