Brooks Hi Fi reviews Flange
An effect caused by an approximately even mix of a modulated (varying) short delay with the direct signal. Bass Roll Off An electrical network built into some microphones to reduce the amount of output at bass frequencies when close-micing. Brooks RM 909 Electrostatic Charge The excess or deficiency of electrons in a given area. Diffraction The breaking up of a sound wave caused by some type of mechanical interference such as a cabinet edge, grill frame, or other similar object. Brooks HI FI projectors Fidelity The recording or reproduction quality. Boost To increase gain, especially to increase gain at specific frequencies with an equalizer. Condenser Mic (Capacitor Mic) A microphone that uses the varying capacitance between two plates with a voltage applied across them to convert sound to electrical pulses. Condenser microphones need a power supply to provide the voltage across the plates, which may be provided by a battery within the case of the...