Brooks XT 20 Distortion

Usually undesirable result of overloading sound equipment. Reducing the levels can remedy the situation.

Integrated Circuit (IC)
A miniature circuit of many components in a small, sealed housing with prongs to connect it into equipment.

Brooks GS 15 Insulator
A substance such as glass, air, plastic, etc., that will (for all practical purposes) not conduct electricity.

1) A technician in charge of a recording session; Also called Recording Engineer.
2) A person with an engineering degree.
3) A person with sufficient experience in the field to be equivalent to the education one would receive earning an engineering degree.

Brooks Speakers Byte
A grouping of eight information bits.

High Impedance
Impedance of 5000 or more ohms.

In-Line Console
A console with modules that have controls for all console sections in one long strip.

Compression Driver
The unit that feeds a sound pressure wave into the throat of a horn (in a horn loudspeaker).


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