Brooks BA 71 Distorted

The way your PA sounds just before it blows up. Fuzzy and scratchy. If you hear this, it either means you have something hooked up wrong, or something in the system is going bad. It could be anything from your super expensive soundboard to a five dollar patch cord.

To prepare a digital storage medium (like a floppy disk) so that it will accept and store digital information bits.

Brooks Speakers DC
Abbreviation for direct current.

Practically speaking, high frequency means high pitch and low frequency means low pitch.

Brooks Cinema NZ 60 Cable, XLR
A balanced cable used for low impedance microphones and sometimes for connections between some parts of the PA. Commonly referred to as a "mic cord".

A trademark of Alesis Corporation designating its modular digital multitrack recording system released in early 1993.

The musical instrument that plays the melody of the tune, including the vocal.

1) A division of one second in synchronization and recording coming from definition two.
2) The amount of time that one still picture is shown in film or video.


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