Brooks Cinema TX 509 Compact Disc, Read Only Memory CDROM

A Compact Disc used to store digital data, such as large programs, that can be read by a computer.

Contact Microphone
A device that senses vibrations and puts out an audio signal proportional to the vibrations.

Brooks TM-22 Chord
Three or more musical pitches sung or played together.

Golden Section
A ratio of height to width to length of a room to achieve "good acoustics" and first recommended by the ancient Greeks. The ratio is approximately the width 1.6 times the height and the length 2.6 times the height

Brooks M 44 Compression Driver
The unit that feeds a sound pressure wave into the throat of a horn (in a horn loudspeaker).

Alternate name for Ping-Ponging (playing several tacks with sync playback through a console to mix them together and record them on an open track).

Infinite Repeat
A function on some delay lines that establish enough feedback so that the repeat echo will last forever, but not so much as to cause a howling sound.

Corner Frequency
Same as Cut-Off Frequency (the highest or lowest frequency in the pass band of a filter). (NOUN)


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