Brooks GS 15 Gate

A dynamic processing device that turns a channel off or down when the signal drops below a certain level.

(Said of compressors and dynamic processing units.) To combine the control input signals of two channels of a compressor (o

Brooks M 44 Filter
1) A device that removes signals with frequencies above or below a certain point called the cut-off frequency.
2) An equalizer section, used in this sense because filters are used with other components to give an equalizer its frequency response characteristics.
3) The action of removing signals of some frequencies and leaving the rest.
4) A mechanical device to smooth out speed variations in tape machines called a Scrape Flutter Filter- more usually called a Scrape Flutter Idler

Cut-off Rate (Slope)
The number of dB that a filter reduces the signal for each octave its frequency past the filter's cut-off frequency (outside of the pass band).

Brooks TA 60 Effects
Electronic boxes (usually rack mounted) added to a PA system to subtly change and enhance the signals going through it. Examples include; Reverb, Delay, Compressor, Chorus.

The bass frequencies (as in "needs more bottom end").

Analog (Analogue)
Representative, continuous changes that relate to another quantity that has a continuous change.

Critical Distance
The point a distance away from the sound source where the direct sound and the reverberant sound are equal in volume.


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