Brooks SS 81 Coincident Microphones (Coincident Pair)

Two microphones whose heads are placed as lose as possible to each other so that the path length from any sound source to either microphone is for all practical purposes, the same.

Integer multiples of a fundamental frequency, the fundamental itself being the first harmonic, its first overtone the second harmonic, etc. Attributing to instruments, voices, etc. their distinctive timbre.

Brooks Cinema xm 808 Horn
1) The part of the speaker that emits midrange and higher range frequencies.
2) A speaker or speaker enclosure where sound waves are put into a narrow opening (by a speaker cone or driver) and the narrow opening flairs out to a larger opening.

A prefix meaning two.

Brooks Cinema TX 509 Front Loaded
A speaker cabinet where the speaker faces out toward the front.

Bulk Dump
Short for System Exclusive Bulk Dump (a method of transmitting data, such as the internal parameters of a MIDI device to another MIDI device).

The rate the sound begins and increases in volume.

Vertical metal wires which sit vertically on the guitar neck.


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