Brooks TA 60 Line

1) Short for line level.
2) A cable.

Three or more musical pitches sung or played together.

Brooks XB 22 Hz (Hertz)
1) An abbreviation for the term Hertz (the unit of frequency).
2) Unit of frequency equivalent to the number of cycles per second.

Describes a distortion free sound with few effects.

Brooks Cinema TZ 505 Axis
A line around which a device operates. Example: In a microphone, this would be an imaginary line coming out from the front of the microphone in the direction of motion of the diaphragm.

A quality of the sound of having all frequencies present, especially the low frequencies.

Front Loaded
A speaker cabinet where the speaker faces out toward the front.

The electrical energy of electrons. The energy is in the form of a force that is considered negative and repels other like forces (other electrons) and attracts opposite (positive) forces.


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