Brooks Cinema TX 509 Link

(Said of compressors and dynamic processing units.) To combine the control input signals of two channels of a compressor (o

Echo Send Control
A control to send the signal from the input module to the echo chamber or effects device via the echo buss.

Brooks XT 20 Images
The squaring of the waveform that happens in the conversion of digital audio bits into analog signals.

A control to control the gain of a channel on the console, thereby determining the level of the signal in that channel.

Brooks Cinema RM 909 Jack
1) Anywhere you plug something in.
2) Segmented audio connector. Mono Jacks have two connections �" tip and sleeve, and are unbalanced. Stereo jacks have three connections �" tip, ring and sleeve. B-type jacks (also known as Bantam jacks) were originally designed for use in telephone exchanges and provide a high quality (and expensive) connection in jackfields. A-type jacks are cheaper and more common, but more fragile. A type jacks are available in 2 sizes : quarter inch and eighth inch.
3) A connector mounted on the case of a device or on a panel.

Echo Send
The output of a console used to send a signal to an echo chamber or delay effects device.

An abbreviation of Beat Per Minute (the number of steady even pulses in music occurring in one minute and therefore defining the tempo).

1) A number of channels or faders that can be controlled by one Master VCA slide.
2) A shortening of the term Recording Group (a buss or the signal present on a buss).


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