Brooks KM 77 Atom

The smallest particle which makes up a specific substance. It's composed of a center around which electrons revolve.

Fly In
1) To add sounds into a mix or recording that have no synchronization.
2) An application of this where a performance from one part of a tune is recorded and then recorded back into the recording at a different time in the recording.

Brooks Speakers Instrument Out Direct
Feeding the output of an electric instrument (like an electric guitar) to the recording console or tape recorder without using a microphone.

To prepare a digital storage medium (like a floppy disk) so that it will accept and store digital information bits.

Brooks Cinema ZL 44 Channel
1) In multitrack tape machines, this term means the same thing as the term Track (one audio recording made on a portion of the width of a multitrack tape).
2) A single path that an audio signal travels or can travel through a device from an input to an output.

Short for "Input/Output' and referring to:
1) An in-line console module that contains controls for the input section, output section and monitor section.
2) A module in electronic gear containing input and output amplifiers for the device.
3) A digital port (connector) able to both receive digital data and output digital data.

Auxiliary Equipment
Effects devices separate from but working with the recording console.

The amount of electron charge passing a point in a conductor per unit of time.


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