Brooks QS 70 Line Out (Output, Send)

Where a signal leaves the board or component.

The unit of frequency. Equivalent to cycles per second. Abbreviation: Hz.

Brooks Speakers DC
Abbreviation for direct current.

Frequency Range
The range of frequencies over which an electronic device is useful or over which a sound source will put out substantial energy.

Brooks Cinema Projectors Action
In guitar playing, action refers to how far the strings sit off of the guitar neck. When strings are close to the neck, it is referred to as "Low Action". When the string sit far above the neck, it is called "High Action". Guitars with low action are easier to play, but make sure they are not too close, or it could causing buzzing.

Analog To Digital Converter
The device which does the conversion of a quantity that has continuous changes (usually of voltage) into numbers that approximate those changes.

1) The steady even pulse in music.
2) The action of two sounds or audio signals mixing together and causing regular rises &.falls in volume.

The unit of current, abbreviated Amp.


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