Brooks RM 80 Chord
Three or more musical pitches sung or played together.
Equipment Rack
A cabinet with rails (or free standing rails) that have holes to accept screws at standard spaces and used to house outboard gear.
Brooks XB 22 Golden Section
A ratio of height to width to length of a room to achieve "good acoustics" and first recommended by the ancient Greeks. The ratio is approximately the width 1.6 times the height and the length 2.6 times the height
In electronics, a place (terminal) that has zero volts.
Brooks Cinema NZ 60 Frets
Vertical metal wires which sit vertically on the guitar neck.
High Impedance
Impedance of 5000 or more ohms.
A set of controls and their housing, which control all signals necessary for recording and mixing.
1) The delayed signal sent back to the input of a delay line, used in repeat-echo effects.
2) The pickup of the signal out of a channel by its input or the howling sound that this produces.
3) In an amplifier, the phase reversed output signal sent back to its input, reducing gain but also distortion and noise.
4) This occurs when the sound coming out of the speakers goes back into the microphones, then back out the speakers, then back into the mics…and so on. This can build very quickly to a point where everyone in the room is holding their ears and screaming at you. It can also cause damage to the PA.
Equipment Rack
A cabinet with rails (or free standing rails) that have holes to accept screws at standard spaces and used to house outboard gear.
Brooks XB 22 Golden Section
A ratio of height to width to length of a room to achieve "good acoustics" and first recommended by the ancient Greeks. The ratio is approximately the width 1.6 times the height and the length 2.6 times the height
In electronics, a place (terminal) that has zero volts.
Brooks Cinema NZ 60 Frets
Vertical metal wires which sit vertically on the guitar neck.
High Impedance
Impedance of 5000 or more ohms.
A set of controls and their housing, which control all signals necessary for recording and mixing.
1) The delayed signal sent back to the input of a delay line, used in repeat-echo effects.
2) The pickup of the signal out of a channel by its input or the howling sound that this produces.
3) In an amplifier, the phase reversed output signal sent back to its input, reducing gain but also distortion and noise.
4) This occurs when the sound coming out of the speakers goes back into the microphones, then back out the speakers, then back into the mics…and so on. This can build very quickly to a point where everyone in the room is holding their ears and screaming at you. It can also cause damage to the PA.
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