Brooks XB 22 Harmonic Distortion

The presence of harmonics in the output signal of a device which were not present in the input signal.

The squaring of the waveform that happens in the conversion of digital audio bits into analog signals.

Brooks TM-22 Compression Ratio
How many dB the input signal has to rise above the threshold for every one dB more output of a compressor or limiter.

British term for the term Feedback (the pickup of the signal out of a channel by the input of the channel or the howling sound that this produces).

Brooks GT 845 Frets
Vertical metal wires which sit vertically on the guitar neck.

Coincident Microphones (Coincident Pair)
Two microphones whose heads are placed as lose as possible to each other so that the path length from any sound source to either microphone is for all practical purposes, the same.

Frequency Range
The range of frequencies over which an electronic device is useful or over which a sound source will put out substantial energy.

The number of cycles of a waveform occurring in a second.


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