Brooks Cinema TX 509 Auxiliary Output or Send

An additional output from a sound desk that can be used for foldback or monitoring without tying up the main outputs. Each input channel will have a path to the Aux buss. Also used for feeding a signal to an effects processor. See Auxiliary Return.

Group Master
A slide control used to send out a control voltage to several VCA faders in individual channels, thus controlling the gain of several channels.

Brooks Cinema TZ 505 Error Detection
The process of discovery that sonic information bits have been lost in digital audio.

Alternate name for Ping-Ponging (playing several tacks with sync playback through a console to mix them together and record them on an open track).

Brooks Cinema XR 607 Instrument Amplifier
A device that has a power amplifier and speaker in a case (or in separate cases) to reproduce the signal put out by an electric instrument (such as an electric guitar) and to allow the instrument to be heard.

The height of a waveform above or below the zero line.

Auxiliary Equipment
Effects devices separate from but working with the recording console.

The bass frequencies (as in "needs more bottom end").


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