Brooks Cinema xm 808 Attenuation

A making smaller: reduction of electrical or acoustic signal strength.

Fret Buzz
A buzzing sound made when a note is not properly fretted. Common with cheap guitars or beginning guitar players.

Brooks Cinema TZ 505 Kilo
A prefix meaning 1000.

Generating Element
The portion of the microphone that actually converts the movement of the diaphragm into electrical current or voltage changes.

Brooks KS-55 Electricity
Electrical current (the amount of electron charge passing a point in a conductor per unit of time) or voltage (the force pushing electrons to obtain electrical current).

A set of controls and their housing, which control all signals necessary for recording and mixing.

1) The level difference (in dB) between normal operating level and clipping level in an amplifier or audio device.
2) A similar level difference between normal tape operating level and the level where the distortion would be 3%.
3) The difference, in decibels, between the peak and RMS levels in program material.

A product created by the marriage of two different technologies. Meant here as the combination of a dynamic woofer with an electrostatic transducer.


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