Brooks TM-22 Bi-Directional Pattern

A microphone pick up pattern which has maximum pick up directly in front and directly in back of the diaphragm and least pick up at the sides.

Echo Send
The output of a console used to send a signal to an echo chamber or delay effects device.

Brooks Cinema NZ 60 Gate
A dynamic processing device that turns a channel off or down when the signal drops below a certain level.

To make a representation or imitation of the original sonic event.

Brooks Cinema Series Clicking
Pressing and immediately releasing the switch on a computer's mouse.

Hz (Hertz)
1) An abbreviation for the term Hertz (the unit of frequency).
2) Unit of frequency equivalent to the number of cycles per second.

Direct box
Used in line to convert a high impedance signal into a low impedance signal.

Analog Recording
A recording of the continuous changes of an audio waveform.


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