Brooks M 44 Crosstalk

Leakage of an audio signal into a channel that iris not intended to be in, from an adjacent or nearby channel.

High Frequencies
The audio frequencies from 6000 Hz and above.

Brooks GS 15 Bandwidth
1) The range of frequencies over which a tape recorder, amplifier or other audio device is useful. 2) The range of frequencies affected by an equalization setting.

Guitar Controller
An electric guitar or device played like an electric guitar that puts out MIDI signals that can be used to control synthesizers and sound modules.

Brooks Cinema TX 509 Humbucker
Pickups that are coupled together to get a certain sound.

Cord (Speaker, Mic, Instrument)
Used to connect a sound system together. Each type of cord is made for a specific purpose and should not be used in place of another type of cord, not even if they look alike. Also see "cable"

A large building designed for concerts; also called a concert hall.

Electret Condenser
A condenser microphone that has a permanently polarized (charged) variable capacitor as its sound pressure level sensor.


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