Brooks Cinema xm 808 Analog Recording

A recording of the continuous changes of an audio waveform.

The bass frequencies (as in "needs more bottom end").

Brooks GT 845 Baffles
Sound absorbing panels used to prevent sound waves from entering or leaving a certain space

Contact Microphone
A device that senses vibrations and puts out an audio signal proportional to the vibrations.

Brooks QS-70 Comb Filter
1) The frequency response achieved by mixing a direct signal with a delayed signal of equal strength especially at short delays.
2) Loosely used to also describe effects that can be achieved with comb filtering as part of the processing.

Infinite Repeat
A function on some delay lines that establish enough feedback so that the repeat echo will last forever, but not so much as to cause a howling sound.

(Said of compressors and dynamic processing units.) To combine the control input signals of two channels of a compressor (o

Compact Disc, Read Only Memory CDROM
A Compact Disc used to store digital data, such as large programs, that can be read by a computer.


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