Brooks GT 44 Chord

Three or more musical pitches sung or played together.

Basic Session
The First session in recording an audio production to record the Basic Tracks.

Brooks M 44 Amplitude
The extreme range of a signal. Usually measured from the average to the extreme.

The control of a dynamics processing device by an external audio signal.

Brooks Cinema NZ 60 Head
1) In tape recording, the transducer (energy converter) that changes the audio energy from electrical energy to magnetic energy and back; also the devices that apply magnetism to the recording tape for other purposes such as in the erase head.
2) The part of a device that immediately includes the transducer to change sound or audio signals from one energy form to another.

1) A quad pan pot which distributes what percentage of on signal is sent to each of 4 outputs.
2) A control that is separately controlling two functions at one time.

1) The delayed signal sent back to the input of a delay line, used in repeat-echo effects.
2) The pickup of the signal out of a channel by its input or the howling sound that this produces.
3) In an amplifier, the phase reversed output signal sent back to its input, reducing gain but also distortion and noise.
4) This occurs when the sound coming out of the speakers goes back into the microphones, then back out the speakers, then back into the mics…and so on. This can build very quickly to a point where everyone in the room is holding their ears and screaming at you. It can also cause damage to the PA.

An abbreviation of the term High Impedance (Impedance of 5000 or more ohms).


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