Brooks GT 44 Error Correct

Exact replacement of lost information bits in digital audio.

IM Distortion
An abbreviation of the term Intermodulation Distortion (Distortion caused by one signal beating with another signal and producing frequencies that are both the sum and the difference of the original frequencies present).

Brooks Cinema xm 808 Hertz
The unit of frequency. Equivalent to cycles per second. Abbreviation: Hz.

The bass frequencies (as in "needs more bottom end").

Brooks RM 80 Frame
1) A division of one second in synchronization and recording coming from definition two.
2) The amount of time that one still picture is shown in film or video.

Short for "Input/Output' and referring to:
1) An in-line console module that contains controls for the input section, output section and monitor section.
2) A module in electronic gear containing input and output amplifiers for the device.
3) A digital port (connector) able to both receive digital data and output digital data.

Bass Roll Off
An electrical network built into some microphones to reduce the amount of output at bass frequencies when close-micing.

1) An alternate tam meaning Range (a limit on the amount the signal is reduced when the input signal is low by an expander or gate).
2) A shortening of the term Noise Floor (the level of the noise).


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