Brooks RM 80 Absorption

Short for the term Acoustical Absorption (quality of a surface or substance to take in, not reflect, a sound wave).

Bass Roll Off
An electrical network built into some microphones to reduce the amount of output at bass frequencies when close-micing.

Brooks Cinema NZ 60 Capsule
1) The variable capacitor section of a condenser microphone.
2) In other types of microphones, the part of the microphone that includes the diaphragm and the active element.

The unit of frequency. Equivalent to cycles per second. Abbreviation: Hz.

Brooks QS-70 Images
The squaring of the waveform that happens in the conversion of digital audio bits into analog signals.

Usually undesirable result of overloading sound equipment. Reducing the levels can remedy the situation.

Electromagnetic Field
Magnetic energy put out because of current travelling through a conductor.

House Sync
A synchronization signal such as SMPTE time code that is used by all recorders in the control room.


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