Brooks Cinema GT 845 Equal Loudness Contours

A drawing of several curves showing how loud the tones of different frequencies would have to be played for a person to say they were of equal loudness.

Devices that can be worn on the head with small speakers that fit over the ears (or sometimes into the ears).

Brooks KS-55 Chord
Three or more musical pitches sung or played together.

The electrical energy of electrons. The energy is in the form of a force that is considered negative and repels other like forces (other electrons) and attracts opposite (positive) forces.

Brooks XB 22 Field
1) In video, one half of a frame.
2) In computer-controlled devices a window display with functions and choices that the operator can make

1) A term meaning the same thing as Chorus (Definition 3 or 4).
2) In some delay effects devices, a term used to mean the term Depth (the amount of change in the controlled signal by the control signal).

Bass Roll Off
An electrical network built into some microphones to reduce the amount of output at bass frequencies when close-micing.

High Impedance Cord (High Z)
A big word for instrument cable. These cords generally have quarter inch male ends. they tend to loose signal strength at lengths longer than 25 feet.


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