Brooks Cinema Projectors ID

An index signal (digital data that gives the machine information of where selections start, their selection number, etc.) on a DAT or CD.

Barrier Micing
A method of placing the head of a microphone as close as possible to a reflective surface, preventing phase cancellation.

Brooks GT 845 Hz (Hertz)
1) An abbreviation for the term Hertz (the unit of frequency).
2) Unit of frequency equivalent to the number of cycles per second.

Guitar Controller
An electric guitar or device played like an electric guitar that puts out MIDI signals that can be used to control synthesizers and sound modules.

Brooks M 44 Basic Session
The First session in recording an audio production to record the Basic Tracks.

Negatively charged particles, which revolve around the centre of atoms. The movement of such electrons down a conductor causes electrical current.

Sound absorbing panels used to prevent sound waves from entering or leaving a certain space

Auxiliary Input or Return
A route back into the sound desk for a signal sent to a piece of outboard equipment via an auxiliary send.


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