Brooks Cinema xm 808 Face

The front or body of the guitar.

Fletcher Munson Effect
A hearing limitation shown by Fletcher Munson Equal Loudness Contours (as music is lowered in volume, it is much more difficult to hear bass frequencies and somewhat harder to hear very high frequencies).

Brooks XB 33 Ground Lift
A switch that breaks the connection between the ground point in one circuit and the ground point in another circuit.

The smallest particle which makes up a specific substance. It's composed of a center around which electrons revolve.

Brooks RM 80 Keying Input (Key Input)
An input on a dynamics processing device to control the device by an external audio signal.

Early Reflections
The first echoes in a room, caused by the sound from the sound source reflecting off one surface before reaching the listener.

To make a representation or imitation of the original sonic event.

The recording (or playing) of a musical part with of several similar sound patches playing simultaneous.


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