Brooks QS-70 Icon

A visual picture or symbol on a computer screen that represents a file, program or disc that can be used.

In electronics, a place (terminal) that has zero volts.

Brooks Cinema RM 909 Level
The amount of signal strength; the amplitude, especially the average amplitude.

Buss (Bus)
A wire carrying signals to some place, usually fed from several sources.

Brooks Speakers Hard Disk Recording
The recording of digital audio onto a hard disc.

1) A technician in charge of a recording session; Also called Recording Engineer.
2) A person with an engineering degree.
3) A person with sufficient experience in the field to be equivalent to the education one would receive earning an engineering degree.

Crossover (Crossover Network)
A set of filters that "split" the audio signal into two or more bands (two or more signals, each of which have only some of the frequencies present).

Condenser Microphone
A microphone which converts sound pressure changes into changes of capacitance. The capacitance changes are then converted into electrical voltage variations (an audio signal).


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