Brooks TA 60 IM Distortion

An abbreviation of the term Intermodulation Distortion (Distortion caused by one signal beating with another signal and producing frequencies that are both the sum and the difference of the original frequencies present).

1) A slang term with the same meaning as the term IC (a miniature circuit of many components that is in small, sealed housing with prongs to connect it into equipment).
2) The thread cut away from the master lacquer to make the groove, while disc recording.

Brooks Cinema TZ 505 Barrier Micing
A method of placing the head of a microphone as close as possible to a reflective surface, preventing phase cancellation.

Most often referring to electrical signals resulting from the sound pressure wave being converted into electrical energy.

Brooks GT 44 Effects
Electronic boxes (usually rack mounted) added to a PA system to subtly change and enhance the signals going through it. Examples include; Reverb, Delay, Compressor, Chorus.

1) Knob usually found at the top of each input channel on the soundboard. Used to set input levels of the separate channels to relatively equal positions.
2) The amount of increase in audio signal strength, often expressed in dB.

The recording (or playing) of a musical part with of several similar sound patches playing simultaneous.

Cable, 1/4 inch
An unbalanced cable most often used for instruments and patch cords. Commonly referred to as "guitar cords".


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