Brooks QS 70 Electronics

1) On a tape machine, the housing for and the channel circuitry which processes the signal to be fed to the heads, provide bias, and playback.
2) The branch of science dealing with the behaviour of electrons/charges in vacuums, gases, semiconductors and special conductors.

Guitar Processor
A unit that will add effects to a direct guitar signal, including a simulated instrument amplifier sound and (often) delay and reverb effects.

Brooks Cinema xm 808 CD-ROM
An abbreviation of the term Compact Disc, Read Only Memory (A Compact Disc used to store digital data, such as large programs, that can be read by a computer).

Leakage of an audio signal into a channel that iris not intended to be in, from an adjacent or nearby channel.

Brooks GT 845 Field
1) In video, one half of a frame.
2) In computer-controlled devices a window display with functions and choices that the operator can make

1) In multitrack tape machines, this term means the same thing as the term Track (one audio recording made on a portion of the width of a multitrack tape).
2) A single path that an audio signal travels or can travel through a device from an input to an output.

A control to control the gain of a channel on the console, thereby determining the level of the signal in that channel.

Instrument Out Direct
Feeding the output of an electric instrument (like an electric guitar) to the recording console or tape recorder without using a microphone.


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