Brooks QS 70 Auxiliary Input or Return

A route back into the sound desk for a signal sent to a piece of outboard equipment via an auxiliary send.

1) A term for the electrical resistance found in a/c circuits. Affects the ability of a cable to transmit low level (e.g. sound) signals over a long distance. Measured in Ohms. Speakers are rated according to power handling capabilities (Watts, W) and impedance (Ohms).
2) The total opposition offered by an electric circuit to the flow of an alternating current of a single frequency. It is a combination of resistance and reactance and is measured in ohms. Remember that a speaker's impedance changes with frequency, it is not a constant value.
3) The opposition to alternating current.

Brooks Cinema GT 845 Buss (Bus)
A wire carrying signals to some place, usually fed from several sources.

A numbering system based on two. In binary there are two symbols used ("l" and "0").

Brooks QS-70 Full
A quality of the sound of having all frequencies present, especially the low frequencies.

High-Pass Filter
A device that rejects signals that are below a certain frequency (called the cut-off frequency) and passes signals with frequencies that are higher.

Analog To Digital Converter
The device which does the conversion of a quantity that has continuous changes (usually of voltage) into numbers that approximate those changes.

1) The steady even pulse in music.
2) The action of two sounds or audio signals mixing together and causing regular rises &.falls in volume.


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