Brooks Cinema NZ 60 Beat

1) The steady even pulse in music.
2) The action of two sounds or audio signals mixing together and causing regular rises &.falls in volume.

High Frequencies
The audio frequencies from 6000 Hz and above.

Describes a good clean high midrange sound. It can be good or bad depending on the look on the face of the guy who said it.

Close Micing
A technique of placing a microphone close to the sound source (within one foot) in order to pick up mainly the direct sound and to avoid picking up leakage or ambience.

Brooks Audio Design KM 77 Icon
A visual picture or symbol on a computer screen that represents a file, program or disc that can be used.

Folded Horn
A speaker design where the speaker points back into the cabinet and bounces around finally coming out large ports in the front. It is intended to maximize low frequencies in a relatively small cabinet.

To send an audio or control signal to.

To prepare a digital storage medium (like a floppy disk) so that it will accept and store digital information bits.


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