Brooks XB 33 Intermodulation Distortion

Distortion caused by one signal beating with another signal and producing frequencies that are both the sum and the difference of the original frequencies.

To prepare a digital storage medium (like a floppy disk) so that it will accept and store digital information bits.

Brooks Audio Design QS 70 Gain Structure
The way in which the gain varies in the stages or sections of an audio system.

The extreme range of a signal. Usually measured from the average to the extreme.

Brooks GT 845 Automatic Gain Control (Automatic Volume Control)
A compressor with a very long release time used to keep the volume of the audio very constant.

Condenser Mic (Capacitor Mic)
A microphone that uses the varying capacitance between two plates with a voltage applied across them to convert sound to electrical pulses. Condenser microphones need a power supply to provide the voltage across the plates, which may be provided by a battery within the case of the microphone, or it may be provided from an external phantom power supply. A condenser mic is more sensitive and has a faster reaction to percussive sounds than a Dynamic mic and produces a more even response. See Electret Mic.

Negatively charged particles, which revolve around the centre of atoms. The movement of such electrons down a conductor causes electrical current.

Gain Reduction
The working of a limiter or compressor reducing gain during high-level passages.


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