A device that changes the gain of an amplifier or circuit, often a knob that can be turned or a slide that can be moved up arid down.

Analog Recording
A recording of the continuous changes of an audio waveform.

Brooks Cinema KM 22 Balance Control
A control on a stereo amplifier that when moved clockwise will make the right channel louder (and the left channel softer) and will do the reverse when moved counter-clockwise.

Boom Stand
A microphone stand equipped with a telescoping support arm to hold the microphone.

Brooks GT 845 Frame
1) A division of one second in synchronization and recording coming from definition two.
2) The amount of time that one still picture is shown in film or video.

Effects Track
1) In film production audio, a recording of the mixdown of all the sound effects for the film ready to be mixed with the dialogue and music.
2) In music recording, one track with a recording of effects to be added to another track of a multitrack recording.

1) To boost gain of audio at a particular band of frequencies with an equalizer.
2) An elevation device in the star trek series of TV programs.

The front or body of the guitar.


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