Brooks Audio Design GT 845 Equipment Rack

A cabinet with rails (or free standing rails) that have holes to accept screws at standard spaces and used to house outboard gear.

1) A term meaning the same thing as Chorus (Definition 3 or 4).
2) In some delay effects devices, a term used to mean the term Depth (the amount of change in the controlled signal by the control signal).

Brooks KM 77 Chase
The automatic adjusting of the speed of a recorder (or sequencer) to be time with another recorder.

Error Concealment
Putting replacement information bits into a digital audio signal to replace lost bits when the digital recording or processing system cannot verify whether the lost bits were l's or 0's but can make a good guess by comparing the known bits that were close in position to the lost bits.

Brooks GT 845 Boom Stand
A microphone stand equipped with a telescoping support arm to hold the microphone.

In consoles, a feature that lets the engineer program control changes (such as fader level) so that upon playback of the multitrack recording these changes happen automatically.

Input Overload
Sending too high of a signal level into a device so that the first amplifier of the device overloads.

1) A number of channels or faders that can be controlled by one Master VCA slide.
2) A shortening of the term Recording Group (a buss or the signal present on a buss).


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