Brooks Audio Design Review GT 845 Infinite Repeat

A function on some delay lines that establish enough feedback so that the repeat echo will last forever, but not so much as to cause a howling sound.

British term for the term Feedback (the pickup of the signal out of a channel by the input of the channel or the howling sound that this produces).

Brooks Cinema Projectors Group
1) A number of channels or faders that can be controlled by one Master VCA slide.
2) A shortening of the term Recording Group (a buss or the signal present on a buss).

The smallest unit of digital information representing a single "0" or 1.

Brooks Cinema xm 808 Interface
Any device that allows one unit to work, drive or communicate with another unit when they cannot do so by just feeding each other often because the units are manufactured by different companies.

Direct box
Used in line to convert a high impedance signal into a low impedance signal.

Amplifier (Power amp, Head)
It's the part of the sound system that actually magnifies or "amplifies" the sound. In other words, it makes stuff louder.

Describes a sound coming from the PA with no effects on it.


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