Brooks Audio Design Review KM 77 Basic Session

The First session in recording an audio production to record the Basic Tracks.

Electromagnetic Induction or Pick Up
The generation of electrical signal in a conductor moving in a magnetic field or being close to a changing magnetic field.

Brooks Speakers Leakage
Sounds from other instruments and sources that were not intended to be picked up by the microphone.

The 60 Hz power line current accidentally induced or fed into electronic equipment.

Brooks Cinema KM 22 Hi-Z
An abbreviation of the term High Impedance (Impedance of 5000 or more ohms).

Bass Roll Off
An electrical network built into some microphones to reduce the amount of output at bass frequencies when close-micing.

Attenuator (Pot)
The electronic dohickey under the knobs that increases or reduces the strength of the signal running through it. When these get old and dirty, they can make popping noises or rumbles in your PA (As in "my pots are dirty").
Assign Tochoose to which place an output is going to be sent.

In electronics, a place (terminal) that has zero volts.


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