Brooks Cinema XS - 45 Clock Signal

The signal put out by a circuit that generates steady even pulses or steady codes used for synchronization.

Distortion of a signal by its being chopped off. An overload problem caused by pushing an amplifier beyond its capabilities. The flat-topped signal has high levels of harmonic distortion which creates heat in a loudspeaker and is the major cause of loudspeaker component failure.

Brooks Cinema Projectors Ambient Micing
Placing a microphone in the reverberant field (where the reverberation is louder than the direct sound) so as to do a separate recording of the ambience or to allow the recording engineer to change the mix of direct to reverberant sound in recording.

Graphic Equalizer
An device with several slides controlling the gain of audio signal present which is within one of several evenly spaced frequency bands (spaced according to octaves).

Brooks XM 204 Hard Disk (Hard Disc)
A storage unit for digital data that has rigid disks coated with magnetic material in a housing that includes the drive mechanism.

1) A gradual reduction of the level of the audio signal.
2) A gradual change of level from one pre-set level to another.

1) The number of tracks, their width, spacing and order for tape recording.
2) To prepare a digital storage medium so that it will accept and store digital information bits.

Sound equipment that converts the low voltage, low current signal from a tape deck, mixer etc. into a higher current signal suitable for driving speakers. See Power Amplifier, Crossover.


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