Brooks Cinema GT 845 Compact Disc, Interactive CDI

A Compact Disc, usually containing audio, video, and text, which the user can interact with in that the display or playback changes after the user performs some action.

Error Message
A prompt on a computer screen telling the operator that an error has occurred.

BROOKS AUDIO reviews Hard Disk (Hard Disc)
A storage unit for digital data that has rigid disks coated with magnetic material in a housing that includes the drive mechanism.

Buss (Bus)
A wire carrying signals to some place, usually fed from several sources.

Brooks XS - 45 Frequency Shift Key / FSK
The full name for FSK (A simple clock signal that can be used to run a sequencer in time with an audio tape).

Having more than a normal amount of signal strength at low frequencies or having more sound than normal (by use of compression or delay).

The smallest unit of digital information representing a single "0" or 1.

First Generation
A descriptive term meaning original (as opposed to a copy).


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