Brooks Cinema QS - 95 Electric Instrument

Any musical instrument that puts out an electrical signal rather than an acoustic sound.

1) The level difference (in dB) between normal operating level and clipping level in an amplifier or audio device.
2) A similar level difference between normal tape operating level and the level where the distortion would be 3%.
3) The difference, in decibels, between the peak and RMS levels in program material.

BROOKS AUDIO reviews Crossover, Active
A rack mountable unit used to separate frequencies leaving the soundboard into high's, mids, and lows with different outputs for each.

An Abbreviation of kilo-Hertz.

Brooks Speakers Grouping
1) Controlling the gain of several individual channels with a Group Fader.
2) The mixing together of several individual audio signals to send a mixed signal out of the console to record a track on a multitrack tape machine.

Comb Filter
1) The frequency response achieved by mixing a direct signal with a delayed signal of equal strength especially at short delays.
2) Loosely used to also describe effects that can be achieved with comb filtering as part of the processing.

The action of deforming a waveform during overload.

Line Out (Output, Send)
Where a signal leaves the board or component.


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