Brooks Cinema QS - 95 In

Short For "in the circuit," in other words "active."

The automatic adjusting of the speed of a recorder (or sequencer) to be time with another recorder.

Brooks Gt 44 Inductance
The property of an electric circuit by which a varying current in it produces a varying magnetic field that introduces voltages in the same circuit or in a nearby circuit. It is measured in henrys.

Auxiliary Output or Send
An additional output from a sound desk that can be used for foldback or monitoring without tying up the main outputs. Each input channel will have a path to the Aux buss. Also used for feeding a signal to an effects processor. See Auxiliary Return.

Brooks GT 845 Auxiliary Input or Return
A route back into the sound desk for a signal sent to a piece of outboard equipment via an auxiliary send.

Jam Sync
A generation of new SMPTE according to the input SMPTE signal

Most often referring to electrical signals resulting from the sound pressure wave being converted into electrical energy.

Sounds from other instruments and sources that were not intended to be picked up by the microphone.


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