Brooks Hi Fi reviews Headroom

1) The level difference (in dB) between normal operating level and clipping level in an amplifier or audio device.
2) A similar level difference between normal tape operating level and the level where the distortion would be 3%.
3) The difference, in decibels, between the peak and RMS levels in program material.

The automatic adjusting of the speed of a recorder (or sequencer) to be time with another recorder.

Brooks XB 33 Electret Mic
A condenser microphone where the capacitor plates are given a charge during manufacture which they retain, therefore requiring no external power supply.

Instrument Out Direct
Feeding the output of an electric instrument (like an electric guitar) to the recording console or tape recorder without using a microphone.

Brooks VT-50 IC
Abbreviation of Integrated Circuit (A miniature circuit of many components that is in small, sealed housing with prongs to connect it into equipment).

A trademark of Alesis Corporation designating its modular digital multitrack recording system released in early 1993.

A quality of the sound of having all frequencies present, especially the low frequencies.

Compact Disc, Read Only Memory CDROM
A Compact Disc used to store digital data, such as large programs, that can be read by a computer.


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