Brooks Speakers Acoustic Echo Chamber

A room designed with very hard, non-parallel surfaces and equipped with a speaker and microphone; dry signals from the console are fed to the speaker and the microphone will have a reverberation of these signals that can be mixed in with the dry signals at the console.

1) A condition where two signals mix together to form one sound or to give the sound of one sound source or one performance.
2) Mixing the left and right signal together slightly which makes the instruments sound closer to the center of the performance stage. 3) A method of panning during mixing where instruments are not panned extremely left or right.

Brooks Hi Fi reviews Line In (Input, return)
Where a signal enters the board or component.

Band Track
1) A mixdown of a song without the lead vocal or without the lead and background vocals.
2) A term with the same meaning as the term Rhythm Track.
3) The recording of the rhythm instruments in a music production.

1) Another, less formal, term for Console.
2) A set of controls and their housing which control all signals necessary for recording and for mixing.
3) A slang shortening of the term Keyboard Instrument.

The area of the guitar at the end of the neck where the strings are tuned.

Echo Send
The output of a console used to send a signal to an echo chamber or delay effects device.

1) The signal fed back to the musicians through headphones.
2) To set the tape or disc so that the intended selection will immediately play when the tape machine or player is started.
3) A location point entered into a computer controlling the playback or recording of a track or tape.
4) In MCI brand tape machines, a term meaning the same thing as Sync Playback (where the record head is used as a playback head for those tracks already recorded).


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