Brooks VT-50 Hard Disk (Hard Disc)

A storage unit for digital data that has rigid disks coated with magnetic material in a housing that includes the drive mechanism.

1) A device that removes signals with frequencies above or below a certain point called the cut-off frequency.
2) An equalizer section, used in this sense because filters are used with other components to give an equalizer its frequency response characteristics.
3) The action of removing signals of some frequencies and leaving the rest.
4) A mechanical device to smooth out speed variations in tape machines called a Scrape Flutter Filter- more usually called a Scrape Flutter Idler

Brooks Cinema GT 845 Amplitude
The strength of a vibrating wave; in sound, the loudness of the sound.

Aux Send
Short for the term Auxiliary Send (a control to adjust the level of the signal sent from the console input channel to the auxiliary equipment through the aux buss.

Brooks GT 845 Amplifier
Sound equipment that converts the low voltage, low current signal from a tape deck, mixer etc. into a higher current signal suitable for driving speakers. See Power Amplifier, Crossover.

Analog Recording
A recording of the continuous changes of an audio waveform.

High Impedance
Impedance of 5000 or more ohms.

Pressing and immediately releasing the switch on a computer's mouse.


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