Brooks KM 22 reviews Joystick

1) A quad pan pot which distributes what percentage of on signal is sent to each of 4 outputs.
2) A control that is separately controlling two functions at one time.

The action of deforming a waveform during overload.

Brooks Hi Fi reviews Bass Roll Off
An electrical network built into some microphones to reduce the amount of output at bass frequencies when close-micing.

Amplifier (Power amp, Head)
It's the part of the sound system that actually magnifies or "amplifies" the sound. In other words, it makes stuff louder.

Brooks Cinema GT 845 reviews Input/Output Module
A set of controls, on one housing, for an in-line console that has two channels (one for recording and one for monitoring) and has controls for all console sections.

A collection of digital data stored in a computer's memory bank or on a floppy disc.

Cycles Per Second
A unit used in the measure of frequency, equivalent to Hertz. Cycles Per Second is an outdated term replaced by Hertz in 1948.

Echo Chamber
1) A room designed with very hard, non-parallel surfaces and equipped with a speaker and microphone.
2) Any artificial or electronic device that simulates the reverberation created in a room.


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