Brooks Hi Fi reviews Chip

1) A slang term with the same meaning as the term IC (a miniature circuit of many components that is in small, sealed housing with prongs to connect it into equipment).
2) The thread cut away from the master lacquer to make the groove, while disc recording.

Balance Control
A control on a stereo amplifier that when moved clockwise will make the right channel louder (and the left channel softer) and will do the reverse when moved counter-clockwise.

Brooks Cinema XS - 45 reviews Frequency Response
How sensitive an electronic device (mic, amplifier, speaker, etc.) is to various frequencies; often communicated with a graph.

Line Out (Line Output)
Any output that sends out a line level signal, such as the output of a console that feeds a recorder.

Brooks XM 204 reviews Echo Send Control
A control to send the signal from the input module to the echo chamber or effects device via the echo buss.

A prefix meaning 1000.

The unit of frequency. Equivalent to cycles per second. Abbreviation: Hz.

Equal Loudness Contours
A drawing of several curves showing how loud the tones of different frequencies would have to be played for a person to say they were of equal loudness.


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