Brooks Cinema XS - 45 reviews Final Mix

The two track stereo master tape which was mixed from the multitrack master.

Analog (Analogue)
Representative, continuous changes that relate to another quantity that has a continuous change.

Brooks GT 845 reviews Joystick
1) A quad pan pot which distributes what percentage of on signal is sent to each of 4 outputs.
2) A control that is separately controlling two functions at one time.

Frequency Response
How sensitive an electronic device (mic, amplifier, speaker, etc.) is to various frequencies; often communicated with a graph.

Brooks XM 204 reviews Driver
See transducer. Dynamic Range �" The range between the quietest and the loudest sounds a device can handle (often quoted in dB).

The British version of the term Ground (In electronics, a place that has zero volts).

First Generation
A descriptive term meaning original (as opposed to a copy).

Intermodulation Distortion
Distortion caused by one signal beating with another signal and producing frequencies that are both the sum and the difference of the original frequencies.


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