Brooks GT 845 reviews Error Message

A prompt on a computer screen telling the operator that an error has occurred.

Figure Eight Pattern
Another name for Bi-directional Pattern (microphone pickup pattern picking up best from the front and back of the diaphragm and not picking up from the side of the diaphragm).

Brooks XM 204 reviews Highs
Short for the term High Frequencies (the audio frequencies from 6000 Hz and above).

Bulk Dump
Short for System Exclusive Bulk Dump (a method of transmitting data, such as the internal parameters of a MIDI device to another MIDI device).

Brooks Cinema Projectors reviews Flamenco
A style of music with roots in Spanish and Arabic culture.

Guitar Controller
An electric guitar or device played like an electric guitar that puts out MIDI signals that can be used to control synthesizers and sound modules.

A numbering system based on two. In binary there are two symbols used ("l" and "0").

Lead Sheet
A written chart showing the melody, lyrics and chords of a tune with full musical notation.


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