Brooks RM 909 reviews First Generation

A descriptive term meaning original (as opposed to a copy).

Gain Control
A device that changes the gain of an amplifier or circuit, often a knob that can be turned or a slide that can be moved up arid down.

Brooks RM 909 Capsule
1) The variable capacitor section of a condenser microphone.
2) In other types of microphones, the part of the microphone that includes the diaphragm and the active element.

Head Amp
British name for Preamplifier (A low-noise amplifier designed to take a low-level signal, such as the output of a tape head, and bring it up to normal line level).

Brooks Hi Fi reviews Current
The amount of electron charge passing a point in a conductor per unit of time.

A signal processing device that does not allow as much fluctuation in the level of the signal above a certain adjustable or fixed level.

The visible sparks generated by an electrical discharge.

Effects Track
1) In film production audio, a recording of the mixdown of all the sound effects for the film ready to be mixed with the dialogue and music.
2) In music recording, one track with a recording of effects to be added to another track of a multitrack recording.


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