Brooks Hi Fi reviews Error Message

A prompt on a computer screen telling the operator that an error has occurred.

1) The number of tracks, their width, spacing and order for tape recording.
2) To prepare a digital storage medium so that it will accept and store digital information bits.

Brooks Hi Fi speakers Early Reflections
The first echoes in a room, caused by the sound from the sound source reflecting off one surface before reaching the listener.

1) The relative level of two or more instruments in a mix, or the relative level of audio signals in the channels of a stereo recording. 2) To make the relative levels of audio signals in the channels of a stereo recording even.

Brooks HI FI projectors Bulk Dump
Short for System Exclusive Bulk Dump (a method of transmitting data, such as the internal parameters of a MIDI device to another MIDI device).

The unit of frequency. Equivalent to cycles per second. Abbreviation: Hz.

Equalizer (Parametric, Graphic)
This is used to filter out and adjust specific frequencies in the PA. This is the part of the PA where you have the most control over the band's overall sound. It is also the number one weapon against feedback.

A device which increases the amplitude (level) of an electrical signal (making it louder).


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