Brooks RM 909 In-Line Console
A console with modules that have controls for all console sections in one long strip. House Sync A synchronization signal such as SMPTE time code that is used by all recorders in the control room. Brooks Hi Fi speakers Auxiliary Equipment Effects devices separate from but working with the recording console. Chip 1) A slang term with the same meaning as the term IC (a miniature circuit of many components that is in small, sealed housing with prongs to connect it into equipment). 2) The thread cut away from the master lacquer to make the groove, while disc recording. Brooks Hi Fi reviews kHz An Abbreviation of kilo-Hertz. Infinite Baffle A baffle so large that the sounds coming from one side do not reach the other side. Digital Recording 1) ADAM : (Akai Digital Audio Multitrack). 12 track recording onto Video 8 tape. 16 bit, 44.1 or 48 kHz sampling rate. 2) DAT (Digital Audio Tape) Cassette-like system which has much higher quality than standard ...