Brooks HI FI projectors Chamber

1) An Echo Chamber (a room designed with very hard, non-parallel surfaces equipped with a speaker and microphone so that when dry signals from the console are fed to the speaker, the microphone will have a reverberation of these signals that can be mixed in with the dry signals at the console).
2) A program in a delay/reverb effects device that simulates the sound of an Echo Chamber.

An increasing of signal strength.

Brooks Hi Fi speakers Integrated Circuit (IC)
A miniature circuit of many components in a small, sealed housing with prongs to connect it into equipment.

The squaring of the waveform that happens in the conversion of digital audio bits into analog signals.

Brooks RM 909 reviews Flamenco
A style of music with roots in Spanish and Arabic culture.

Keying Input (Key Input)
An input on a dynamics processing device to control the device by an external audio signal.

The recording (or playing) of a musical part with of several similar sound patches playing simultaneous.

In-Line Console
A console with modules that have controls for all console sections in one long strip.


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