Brooks RM 909 Inductance
The property of an electric circuit by which a varying current in it produces a varying magnetic field that introduces voltages in the same circuit or in a nearby circuit. It is measured in henrys. Compression Driver The unit that feeds a sound pressure wave into the throat of a horn (in a horn loudspeaker). Brooks Hi Fi reviews Electromagnetic Induction or Pick Up The generation of electrical signal in a conductor moving in a magnetic field or being close to a changing magnetic field. Insulator A substance such as glass, air, plastic, etc., that will (for all practical purposes) not conduct electricity. Brooks RM 909 reviews Keyboard 1) Any musical instrument controlled by pressing a key. 2) The part of the computer that has the keys. Head 1) In tape recording, the transducer (energy converter) that changes the audio energy from electrical energy to magnetic energy and back; also the devices that apply magnetism to the recording tape for other purpose...